Whole30: Days 17 + 18

I’m getting a bit behind on the Whole30 posts because, well, things aren’t so new and exciting anymore. I’m really settling into the habits of the Whole30, I’m getting better at reading labels, and my days aren’t filled with new discoveries about how full I can feel eating properly. I am not seeing massive changes in my body, but I’m going to go ahead and trust that things are working since I’m following all the rules. It’ll be interesting to take ‘after’ photos when this is all said and done.

I didn’t take very many pictures of my food or preparation for the last two days: oops! Here’s a quick snapshot of how I’ve been doing:

Breakfast is usually leftovers of whatever I had for dinner the night before, or whatever I mass-produced over the weekend.

I went home for lunch two days in a row, both to give myself an excuse to take a walk since it still hasn’t snowed, and to have the food a bit fresher since it won’t be sitting packed in the fridge here at work.

Mexican tuna boats in endives, with spaghetti squash and diced tomatoes in the middle. A satisfying/light lunch.

Dinner on Monday night was boring, dinner last night was amazing.

I’ve been doing well with my running streak. Today is Wednesday (day 19!) and I’m going to go to the gym on my lunch break:

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I did have a moment yesterday when I wanted to quit the Whole30. (At least it took me until day 18 to cry over the Whole30?)

It was kind of dramatic, mostly because I was actually HUNGRY for the first time in so many days. I don’t feel hungry anymore, I just eat when I’m supposed to, and I feel content all the time. Yesterday was a different story. I guess I didn’t have enough protein or fat with my breakfast (2 eggs + brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes) so by the time lunch rolled around, I was starving. I didn’t want to go home for lunch, so I googled “Whole30 Moe’s Southwest Grill” to see if I could get some fast food that was compliant. Two different articles on the internet (not the Whole30 forum) said that it was compliant, so I figured I’d confirm with the Moe’s website. NOPE. Moe’s Southwest Grill does NOT have any Whole30 compliant protein. All of their meat is cooked in “highly refined soybean oil” and the ground beef, while not cooked in soybean oil, contains milk (ew). So, not only was I starving, but I had to go home and eat food that I prepared when I just wanted something from SOMEWHERE ELSE! Anyway, I went home and had some Mexican tuna boats and mashed cauliflower, and it was fine. I was just bored of it and throwing myself a pity party because there are so many food-based events coming up that I won’t be able to participate in.

After my dramatic lunch, I decided to make myself the most satisfying dinner I could image: a steak, leftover mashed cauliflower, leftover sweet potatoes, and some hot peppers. This was SUCH A GOOD DECISION. I followed Whole30’s recipe for the perfect pan fried steak, and it turned out beautiful:

Juicy, delicious perfection.

And my whole dinner looked like this:


I even made some clarified butter for storage but also to be the fat component of my meal. I drizzled a little on the steak and in the potatoes:

Making clarified butter is *really* easy and really satisfying. I highly recommend it for anyone who has been sticking purely with olive oil for their Whole30 like I have been.

I’m feeling better about things today (day 19) but I’m still sad about all the food and wine I’m going to miss out on during this process. I had to do this now, because I felt myself spinning out of control, but I really wish I’d known about the Whole30 prior to the holiday season so that I could have done it then.