Whole30: Day 9

Being back home is the bomb dot com. Being in control of my own food intake feels like the biggest blessing after having to ask awkward questions while ordering in a restaurant. Antagonizing over a menu and then picking the least exciting (but potentially most nutritious) meal at dinner is not my favorite activity.

After seriously sleeping in and witnessing the first snow of the season, I got creative with breakfast. Again, the darn cans of emergency tuna that I had on backup got the best of me, so I ate one of those with a measly fried egg that I made. I must say — my egg frying technique has improved tenfold. But egg + tuna + hot sauce is not delicious. So I resolved to make the most of the day and plan out food for the next several days.

Taking what I already knew about overbuying groceries for my first week, as well as taking into account how to build a perfect paleo Whole30 plate, I wrote down the following meal plan for the next few days:


  • breakfast: ground turkey + spaghetti squash + tomato sauce
  • lunch: soup + tuna/salad
  • dinner: chicken + veggies


  • breakfast: eggs + veggies + avocado
  • lunch: chicken + veggies + avocado
  • dinner: salmon + veggies + nuts


  • breakfast: soup + red pepper slices + avocado
  • lunch: chicken + veggies + avocado
  • dinner: eggs + whatever else is left over

Since “breakfast” today was late, and I was very un-hungry for most of the day, my only other meal was a big bowl of delish at Chipotle. (Don’t judge me. There’s one in the same shopping center as Trader Joe’s, where I bought all my groceries for the week, and Michael’s, where I bought a sh*t-ton of beautiful Christmas stuff.)

When I got home from the grocery run of the century, I began a several-hours-long cooking adventure.

This is a roasted chicken. Oh, my, God.  It’s delicious. (Before on the left, after on the right.) I rubbed olive oil on it, threw on some salt and pepper, threw in a couple slices of lemon, and roasted it at 425* F for 1.5 hours. AMAZING!


Here’s some of that fabulous tomato sauce (sans celery – it was so expensive at Trader Joe’s!) It’s still delicious, served hot off the stovetop or the day after for breakfast:

Please excuse the low quality photo. The fire alarm was probably going off when I took this. (That happens way too often with a hot oven and a small apartment.)

Not pictured here: spaghetti squash (yessss), and perfectly ground turkey (mmmm). Overall, this was a huge success and I’m excited to prepare more food later.

Special note: The Whole30 gives me confidence. Today I experienced a surge of confidence in the way that I look, even though not much has changed. When you take care of yourself, your self image improves. When you treat your body like it is something worth cherishing, you begin to believe that it is. So, I took a picture to document how good I was feeling yesterday:


Additional note: I HAD MY FIRST NONSCALE VICTORY!!!! This dress, which I originally bought to wear in my Masters degree recital, fits better now than it ever has before. I can’t believe it! And because I was feeling so good about myself, I decided to try it on. WHO KNEW???

Overall, this was another great day on the Whole30. So long, single digit days!!
