Whole30: Day 30

Wow. I can’t believe that today is the last day of my Whole30! Instead of talking about what I ate or didn’t eat this weekend, I’d like to share some thoughts on the Whole30 process and how far I think I’ve come (before we do any “after” information tomorrow.)

  • I have stopped snacking. Just wiped it right out of my system. I don’t graze for the whole day, and I can look a jar of M&Ms straight in its shiny little eyes and know that I don’t need it, nor do I truly want it. That feels like an incredible accomplishment for me.
  • I can make a plate of food that will fill me up. Protein, vegetables, fat. Got it. I know what it takes to feel satisfied, satiated, and energized by food. That’s a far cry from where I was before, when I’d randomly pull together anything I saw on the shelves and call it a meal. Now I know what a meal looks, tastes, and feels like.
  • My clothes are fitting SO much better and I think I’ve lost half a shoe size. My guess on the shoe size is that I haven’t been eating nearly as much salt as I was a month ago, so my feet aren’t swollen. My belly is also far from swollen, and clothes that were my goal in the beginning of this calendar year – yes, January – have become my reality. I actually fit in almost everything I own now. That feels so good. I really feel like I’ve reclaimed my body.
  • I look happier and better rested when I look at myself in the mirror. I think my face has gotten a bit less large and my arms are definitely different. I was looking through some photos from the last few months earlier today, and my arms were much different in May than they are now. My smile looks more genuine, and also less surrounded by….cheeks that were stuffed with donuts way too often…
  • I haven’t missed Dunkin Donuts a SINGLE time. Oh, man. Pre-Whole30, I visited there for breakfast at LEAST twice a week because I’d sleep in until 20 minutes before work, I’d rush to work without any water or anything to eat, and then an hour later I’d take an extended break to run to Dunkin and grab some greasy sh*t and coffee. Gross. I don’t miss that one bit, and I’m never going back there. Breakfast is such an important part of starting the day right, and I’m not going to do myself the injustice of skipping it again.
  • I am tired of going to restaurants and being severely restricted. I have learned that almost all meals contain some sort of fat, dairy, or basic ingredient that is not Whole30 compliant, so it’s made me really scrutinize my meal options. I’m grateful for the extremely strict Whole30 rules, and I’m also grateful to have more options for eating out besides salad with protein once I’m off this thing.
  • I have learned how to really shop the grocery store in an entirely new way. Fresh meat and vegetables are INGREDIENTS to GREAT dishes, and prepared food is something less than that. I used to migrate to boxes and cans and jars for my main sources of food intake, and now I know how many delicious things I can whip up with a few simple ingredients at home.
  • Food prep. I don’t think I need to say much more than this: when you prepare the majority of your meals on Sunday night and plan the rest of your meals around main sources of protein or main dishes, eating well is so much easier.
  • I have learned that I deserve to take care of myself and treat myself well, and that when you start eating well and sleeping better, you do better at life in general. I am not claiming by any means that some issues that have been around for a while relating to confidence and self esteem were magically fixed in thirty days, but the lack of those issues was obvious to me upon investing in my well-being this way.
  • And hey, being motivated to run is also easier when you eat well. 🙂 But listen — nothing beats eating spaghetti after a long run, and I will definitely incorporate that back into my life next Saturday when I run 11 miles.

This journey officially ends today/tomorrow, but I have only just begun. I can’t wait to see the numbers that prove how epic this journey has been when I weigh and measure myself tomorrow. More than that, I’m just really excited that a) I followed this through and b) I have an amazing foundation for the rest of my life, and I have no excuse for not following the guidelines to healthy eating that were set up with the Whole30.

Now I need to go refresh my memory on how I’m supposed to make food choices tomorrow…egg nog is definitely on the list for the evening. (Sorry not sorry.)

Images on this site by freefoodphotos.com are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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