Whole30: Day 15

Today was a day full of balance, and I am truly grateful.

This morning my incredibly handsome boyfriend and I went to the gym. I’m so glad that he inspired me to get out and work on being healthy first thing in the morning. I had some pre-workout almonds (and yes, there were more than 3!)

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At the gym, I worked on upper body and legs. Tomorrow, I’ll do some core work. I really enjoyed feeling pumped and strong after the workout. And hey – I’ve never had arm muscles like this before!!! Making good food choices is really still supporting my muscle building and is helping to melt away the fat and gross extra body weight that I seriously didn’t need sticking around.

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For breakfast, we went to Hart’s Local Grocer (totally amazing place, by the way), and I had their Whole 30 compliant CORNED BEEF HASH!! I can’t even caption this beautiful ham, potato, pepper, and egg combo…. Just believe me, it’s some of the most delicious stuff you can put in your body. That, plus a good, strong cup of coffee, made me feel like I was on top of the world!

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We hit the mall for Black Friday today. I’m amazed at how easy it was – and how it was only a tiny bit frustrating – to choose Colie’s Cafe over the variety of Mexican, Chinese, and Italian food I usually would have gravitated towards for lunch. Instead, I chose a house salad with grilled chicken, with a cup of fruit to finish it off. Yum!

And then, after a long day of shopping and swiping deals left and right, I came home and heated up the last of my roasted chicken, then made some wonderful curly fries with a spiralizer that I bought for 20% off today, and paired it all with an avocado.

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Overall, today was a great success. I can’t believe that tomorrow marks the halfway point of my Whole 30!! I have decided to do a 7-day running streak, and to really hold myself accountable for it, because I’ve been uninspired and lazy with running lately. I really can’t slack right now, because the Winter Warrior Half Marathon is coming up on January 9. I want to feel like I did my best to train well for this race. And while I’m sure that completely changing the way I eat and provide energy for myself will help, I need to log good miles and good runs to keep the momentum going.

Here’s a silly picture I took because I felt like a queen of good health after making smart choices all day, and the cute little crown came in my bag at Anthropologie today. 🙂

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