Whole30: Days 13 + 14

I’m almost halfway through the Whole30! Time is flying by. This holiday season is busy and full of opportunities eat delicious food, and slip up. Luckily, I’ve been doing the former of those two.

Yesterday I really felt like I was lagging. I’m not sure if this part of the Whole30 experience, or if I was fighting off a cold or something, but I was exhausted and had a terrible headache. I felt like I really, really needed coffee to get through the day and like I couldn’t get into bed fast enough once I got off of work. But I stuck by the rules and got through the day. Breakfast was the usual these days (spaghetti squash, turkey, tomato sauce), lunch was some turkey with the chicken broth I made (which could really use some improvement next time around..), and dinner was a delicious steak at a restaurant, with brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes on the side. I felt a lot better at the end of the day after having red meat, so perhaps my iron was just a bit low. (Yesterday was mundane, sorry for the boring post.)

Today was so much more exciting!! Happy Thanksgiving to all – this was my delicious breakfast:

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Avocado, perfectly scrambled eggs, and red peppers. YUM!!!

I had to keep my tummy wide open for Thanksgiving dinner because this is what came next:

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A totally compliant Whole30 feast: roasted carrots, roasted green beans, peas (which I found out have butter in them, so I left them alone), mashed cauliflower, and then roast beef. SO INSANELY DELICIOUS AND SATISFYING. Now, Thanksgiving dinner was a bit of a challenge – there was pie, macaroni and cheese, and wine being shared by all 12 of the people at the table except for me, but… It was okay. I was still able to feel festive and happy and like part of a great celebration without the wine and pie (oh, the pie!!!), so I guess I’m really learning a lot about food and its importance, or lack thereof, in my life.

My boyfriend took this picture of me after the feast, and I have to say, wow! I feel so much different right now than I did 13 days ago. The dress that I wore today is something that I bought several months ago, but I never wore it because I was really self conscious about my stomach. It’s silk and expensive and beautiful, but I felt like I didn’t have a body worthy of it yet. So, here I am in a coat and that dress, feeling great. 🙂 I’m grateful for a lot of things this Thanksgiving, and my health is definitely part of it.

Happy, healthy Thanksgiving everyone.

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