Whole30: Day 11

I woke up on Day 11 feeling like a dog with its tail between its legs, because I had a dream that I binged on beer and ice cream at a bar. *sigh* I have to remember that this is still a big change from where I was a couple of weeks ago, so I’m going to slip from time to time…in my dreams, apparently. I’m so glad that I didn’t break this promise to myself in real life!

Day 11 was uneventful as far as actual eating was concerned. I’ve been laying low and sticking to what I prepared on Monday. So, breakfast was the same as the day before (spaghetti squash, tomatoes, turkey) and lunch was a haphazard combination of kombucha, cashews, dried mango, and butternut squash soup. That’s not my most prized meal – in fact, I don’t even think it counts as a meal. I wasn’t very hungry, and I was working a lot. There’s no such thing as a perfect Whole30, right?

For dinner I made this masterpiece Whole30 feast:

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Roasted beets, a fried egg on a bed of spinach, roasted chicken with roasted red pepper sauce topped with capers, and sweet potato soup. WOW. I was so full and so satisfied after this meal!

The best part of yesterday happened early on in the day. Whole30 reposted my Non Scale Victory photo on their Instagram account!!! And not only did I gain a bunch of followers who are kind enough to support me on this journey, but I also got to see positive comments from people who were either inspired by the #NSV or who had similar experiences. Here’s the post:

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The coolest part about this post was that people were so kind in the comments:

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Holy cow! People are inspired by me? Wow! I had no idea that posting a picture on Instagram could inspire people to get back on the Whole30 train…Or perhaps I know that better than anyone else, since I discovered the Whole30 on Instagram!

The best comment of the day came from @mrsforbes on a post on my page from a couple of weeks ago. I guess she probably found me after the post on the Whole30 Instagram. This really warmed my heart:

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I have been feeling pretty exhausted lately, so I crashed last night. My boyfriend and I went out to a bar to celebrate his new job, and the only thing I could get there aside from water was coffee. Luckily it helped me get through a few hours of socializing while beautiful drinks and pretzels and fries were all around me…I do look forward to having those sorts of treats again when this is over.

Another little note: the ring I wear on my right hand has been sliding around a lot lately. 🙂 It hasn’t done that in years!

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